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    It’s simple: sign up, share your unique affiliate link, and earn a commission on every sale made through your link. Whether you're a blogger, influencer, or just love spreading the word about products that promote well-being, you can easily turn your passion into profits.

    Partner with Hike Footwear today and help others discover the joy of pain-free movement, all while earning for yourself!


    Earn 15% Commission

    Earn 15% Commission

    Earn 15% “Cash” commission for every sale you make through your affiliate link.

    Bank Transfer

    Bank Transfer

    We will transfer your commission directly to your chosen bank account.

    Get Your Payout

    Get Your Payout

    Claim your earnings. Payouts are made every 1st of the month. It’s that easy!


    1. Sign Up: Sign up using the form below.
    2. Share: Once your application is approved, an affiliate link will be sent out to your email. Share this affiliate link to your audience on your website or social media platforms.
    3. Earn: For every purchase made through your affiliate link, you will earn a 15% “Cash” Commission.

    Kostenloser Versand bei Hike!

    Wir bieten kostenlosen weltweiten Versand für alle Bestellungen.

    100 % sichere Zahlung

    Sichere Bezahlung mit PayPal oder Kreditkarte mit Käuferschutz!

    956.000+ Menschen wählen HIKE im Jahr 2024

    HF - Ihr Weg zu gesunder Freiheit